Saturday, February 6, 2016

Tasting - Yellow Tail (1)

Yellow Tail 

Cabernet / Merlot
$4.95 Sale

Wine Critics Review:

I really liked this wine. I've had Cabernet and Merlot separately but this is my first experience where they have been mixed. And mixed so well. I usually tend towards liking Merlot better because it's sweeter and that's what I enjoy more than dark bitter wines but adding the Cabernet made this wine really good I think. 

What hit me first about this wines smell was the heavy nut smell. It was dry and very earthy. For this wine, the smell and taste correlated really well. The taste was a similar earthy taste with a hint of mold underneath that gave it a sort of ripe taste that I liked. The combination of the Cabernet and Merlot balanced out really well and rounded out this wine.

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